How Fintech Partnerships Can Help Create a Digital-First Credit Union
When you think of a digital-first organization, you may imagine the opposite of a personalized and thoughtful experience. However, “C.U. on the Show” guest When you think of a digital-first organization, you may imagine the opposite of a personalized and thoughtful experience. However, “C.U. on the Show” guest Thomas Novak shares that’s exactly what his […]
How Fintech Can Help Credit Unions Stay Competitive
JPMorgan Chase currently invests $12 billion in technology annually, which is twice as much as the IT budget of credit unions nationwide—combined. For this reason, it’s becoming increasingly challenging for credit unions to keep pace with the technology, research, and development of larger financial institutions. To stay relevant and continue improving client experiences and offerings, […]
How Credit Unions Can Create Strategic Alignment
Amidst the challenges of the pandemic and an increasingly competitive talent market, credit unions are reevaluating their strategic game plans as they head into the future. However, what happens when executives and board members lack direction or aren’t on the same page? On “C.U. on the Show,” Doug welcomes guest Peter Myers, senior vice president […]